European sustainable infrastructure – in a sweet spot

European sustainable infrastructure - in a sweet spot

There are four issues that affected infrastructure in 2020, and they reaffirm our confidence in the team’s long-term investment thesis and strategy.

Riding Europe’s building renovation wave

The EU’s decision to put building modernisation at the heart of its drive to reduce CO2 emissions heralds a major spending programme to transform energy efficiency. It also represents a wider drive across the continent in which Columbia Threadneedle is keen to be involved

Shipping: A social industry making environmental strides


Transport assets remind us that, within ESG investing, ‘S’ can be just as important as ‘E’ and ‘G’, and focussing on the environment and governance at the expense of social aspects can be detrimental

Responsible Investment has become increasingly important for many asset owners, so what does 2019 hold?

At a time when demand for ESG integration is growing and confidence in the investment impacts of traditional ESG approaches remains high, data science offers the additional prospect of solving for the effective integration of meaningful non-financial analysis in investment, at scale and with global reach.

Disruptive technologies challenge traditional infrastructure approach

Oil refinery banner

Traditional infrastructure investments are being challenged by the pace of innovation, and technology and disruption will likely create opportunities across all core infrastructure asset types. So a highly flexible approach is required to respond to this.

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