No more bad news should be good news in 2023

Asian temple

After a dismal year for markets, William Davies gives his thoughts on risks and opportunities in the market as we head into 2023. While there is plenty to be cautious about, a repeat of 2022 seems unlikely.

CIO outlook: net zero, asset allocation, corporate profits and the tech sector

Heven energy cereal

Our Global CIO on Global CIO, on net zero, asset allocation, corporate profits and the tech sector

CIO outlook: market volatility, oil and interest rates

Middling growth, markets unnerved

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put markets on edge. With a high level of uncertainty and rising commodity prices, will central banks change their plans on rate increases?

Solutions Enhanced: Capital Market Assumptions 2022 Making a transition

A stack of coins against a background of charts and figures

The end of 2021 saw a continuing reminder of the impact of coronavirus, inflation occurring in major economies, and the world waking up to the stark choices presented by the climate emergency. We set out the expectations for what all this could mean for investors over the next five years and in the longer run. These capital market assumptions form the base case we use when constructing strategic asset allocations for clients.

CT Real Estate Partners – Applying ESG in Residential Strategies

A housing estate of identical beige houses with solar panels on the roofs

Please read our most recent White Paper, written by our specialists

Solutions in 2022: a defining time for inflation and ESG

Six circles with icons on a green background

As inflation runs hot and interest in ESG impacts rises, there is a fundamental shift in our institutional and sub-advisory clients’ needs. We expect allocations to alternative risk assets, and to assets with positive environmental impacts, to increase.

Committing to zero carbon real estate

Our UK Real Estate strategy to reach net zero by 2050 addresses a major source of risk for commercial property investors and aims to deliver better outcomes for all stakeholders

Funding Europe’s green infrastructure finance gap

Environmental, social and governance investing has received huge policy support, particularly in Europe where the build out of green infrastructure has been impressive. We look at four major investment themes this presents.

Asset allocation update: standing pat


Maya Bhandari looks at how the team has managed its asset allocations over the past couple of months and where they believe the best risk-adjusted returns will come from.

Office-working: long-term symptoms or full recovery?

With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, millions of office workers worldwide were forced to work from home (WFH) for the majority of 2020.