Outlook 2022: a year of considerable change

Eye of the Needle podcast hero

Deputy Global CIO and CIO EMEA, William Davies, talks about what the coming year might bring for companies, markets and fiscal policy.

A bumpy ride higher for equities

The coronavirus continues to introduce uncertainty, but investors should expect cyclicals to outperform in the first half of the year. Here we identify key catalysts for equity markets.

Changing monetary environment sets the backdrop for a year of change in 2022

2022 will be marked by a role-reversal in monetary policy: crisis support, stimulus and spending replaced by recovery, repair, reduced fiscal stimulus and a return towards “normal”.

Fashion eyes sustainability via the circular economy

The textiles industry is one of the most pollutive in the world, emitting more CO2 than aviation and shipping combined. But a leading sports firm is showing one way the sector can embrace radical change

Global Sustainable Outcomes – News & Views Q1 2021

This issue looks at inflation and the growing conversation around it as it begins to rise across the world, and looks at sustainability within fashion using a visit to London’s flagship Adidas store to look at how brands are tackling the industry’s carbon footprint.

Sustainable aviation fuel is ready for take-off

The aviation sector consumes around 8% of all oil. How realistic are attempts to reduce emissions through the use of sustainable aviation fuel?

Fund manager interview: maintaining a global focus

With economies looking towards a post-Covid world and concerns around inflation growing, we talk to the manager of the Global Focus strategy about what 2021 might have in store

Covid-19 index: when might life return to ‘normal’?

people on shopping street

With every country attempting to return to normality following the coronavirus pandemic, we are monitoring US economic activity as well as other measures of ‘normality’ such as entertainment and leisure, high street shopping, and schools reopening.

CIO EMEA outlook 2021 – knowns and unknowns after a tumultuous year

We see three themes dominating 2021: the development
of a Covid-19 vaccine; the political make-up of the US
following the November election; and Brexit.

Georgina Hellyer

Georgina Hellyer