Fund manager interview: maintaining a global focus

With economies looking towards a post-Covid world and concerns around inflation growing, we talk to the manager of the Global Focus strategy about what 2021 might have in store

Covid-19 index: when might life return to ‘normal’?

people on shopping street

With every country attempting to return to normality following the coronavirus pandemic, we are monitoring US economic activity as well as other measures of ‘normality’ such as entertainment and leisure, high street shopping, and schools reopening.

On diversification, sustainability and competitiveness…

An interview with portfolio manager Benjamin Moore on investing in
Europe, how he goes about looking at companies, and the events of
the past 10 months

No alternative to equities

While political risk, a second Covid-19 wave, lower economic activity and suppressed inflation might trigger a short-term sell-off, in the medium term a high equity risk premium and low rates will support equities

Stock picking paramount in European small cap market

Managing money in a crisis can be challenging, but our long-term investment approach and valuation discipline have helped us take advantage of the market dislocation

European equities – the peak of pessimism is behind us

European equities: the peak of pessimism is behind us

The world is going to change in 2021! We will have had Brexit, there will be a new president in the White House, and Covid-19 vaccines will be in roll-out.

CIO EMEA outlook 2021 – knowns and unknowns after a tumultuous year

We see three themes dominating 2021: the development
of a Covid-19 vaccine; the political make-up of the US
following the November election; and Brexit.

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